
Welcome to Matlock Heights... We're located north of the by-pass between Walnut and Dunn Streets. A neighborhood of gently rolling lawns where oaks and maples stand over limestone homes. We are teachers, merchants, artists, trades people, and professors.

How can we use this blog?
We could learn to use it to our advantage. I'm not sure exactly
how though. I'm seeing it like a bulletin board where the neighborhood could increase interaction. If you have a service, or tool to share post it here and maybe your neighbors will check this blog and contact you.
But maybe there are other uses that I can't see.
Feel free to jump in and help make this work.
Its our neighborhood.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

pertinent information

lost pet, suspicious activities, sightings, or just plain good news.

1 comment:

  1. Hi there!

    This is Stephanie Dickinson from 2301 Dunn.

    Is this the best way to make posts - through the Comments?

    Thanks for making this great blog!

